Our present is characterized by debates about responsibility, by topics such as sustainability, social justice, and political crises. In such times of transition, we need images and stories to help us relate to ourselves, to the society we live in, and to values and habits—in a way that is liberated from specific results and expectations. THREADS invites us to think freely and playfully about our own and collective foundations and, if necessary, to question them. Three Greek myths—Athena and Arachne, the three Moires, and Ariadne and Theseus—were the starting point for a tour through the topics of individuality and collectivity, power and powerlessness, fate and responsibility, as well as doubt and security. In this way, THREADS built a bridge between the past, the present, and a possible tomorrow.
“Listen to the tour guides, the radio plays, and the audio guide, use the playful app Actionbound or read the catalogue—and have lively conversations!”
At the foot of the staircase, a series of Rosemarie Trockel’s etchings of abstracted threads marked the start of these three exhibitions, opening simultaneously for the first time: THREADS, STORYTELLING, and ARIADNE’S NAAIKUSSEN. In all three projects, threads and lines were the form-related and narrative means connected by the common thread of our annual motto “Shaping Transitions.”

We are delighted that so many people accepted the invitation to engage with the open meanings and mystery of threads. Many stayed in the exhibition for a very long time, listening to the tour guides, the audio plays, and the audio guide, using the playful app Actionbound or reading the catalogue, and engaging in lively conversations. We are excited to see what our overall conclusion will be at the end of the exhibition!

Further details on the homepage

An exhibition project by the curator Dr. Maria Spitz